Friday, September 3, 2010

Virtually Savvy owner Katie Kay - Featured Friday

With social media and social marketing, keeping up with your books, selling your product and services, email newsletters, how do you get it all done?

That's where using a virtual assistant comes in - outsourcing the jobs you don't want to do or don't know how to do is the way to go.   As business owners we have more and more tasks every day...keeping up with Facebook, working with clients, and having a personal life it's smart to use a savvy virtual assistant - Virtually Savvy!  

Katie Kay, owner of Virtually Savvy, and I sat down for an interview recently so my readers would know more about using a VA and the services they provide.

Here's our interview...

What was your first job experience?
I’ve always worked….1st job at 15 was a phone sales person…always in sales. I like people and I like to talk to people.

What got you into Virtually Savvy?
Being technically savvy…I love computers and technology.  With, my online accessories store, I just dove into marketing and did it myself. The best advertising was on the internet and not paper based.   Five years ago social marketing was emerging and as it became more mainstream people started asking me to do it for their business.  I’m passionate about it and get a thrill showing other people what they can do online.

What do you know how that you wish you knew before you started?
How to price my services...I wasn’t charging what I am worth when I first started.

Realistic price point…I wish I would have known how to gauge my pricing better.   How to better value myself.   Through coaching from different women entrepreneurs and joining Virtual Assistance Corporation,  I learned my pricing was undervalued for me and the industry.   I also found myself spending a lot more time and doing so much more then originally discussed with the client, (and still do), for not much money.   In the beginning, I wish I would have put more time into researching how much other VA’s and social media marketing consultants were charging.

Do you have any mentors or role models?
I am constantly reading and searching online for the newest, latest, greatest information and training.   There are 2 fabulous experts that I really love to work with online, they keep it fun and really know their stuff, and they are very generous with their knowledge.

As your business grows how do you, the virtual assistant, get it all done? Do you have any systems in place? 
I use Hootsuite and recommend it to my clients. Their dashboard allows you to enter many different posts at one time to all your marketing sites, such as, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and your blog.   That way I’m able to see what I posted each day and mix them throughout the week.

I have money-saving pre-paid packages for my clients, this allows them to purchase blocks of time at a discounted rate. For in-person consultations they pay by check or PayPal at the time of service.

What personality trait that you have serves you best in your business?
I understand that not all people are technically savvy and tailor my teaching to each individual’s skill level.  All questions are valid and I respond to them sincerely.  Patience and a sense of humor are very important to me…this is free marketing and it should be fun.

Do you trust your intuition? Any stories about when you did or didn’t?
Yes, for sure I do.   I really try to listen to that inner voice.  While running a retail business I had clients asking for my help with online marketing and computer navigation. This was not at all the focus of my business but the need and desire was apparent, so on Jan 1st 2010 I launched Virtually Savvy and re-directed my energy to this new venture based solely on a gut feeling.   Listening to my instincts allowed me to transition from a business that was not growing into a potentially lucrative endeavor.

Are you better at being a collaborator or going it alone?
I’m good at both.  I am very particular and like things done a certain way.  Being a self-starter and self-motivated I have never really needed anyone pushing me or peering over my shoulder, I always get the work done.  

Collaborating and brainstorming with associates and clients is enjoyable, inspiring and can have an empowering effect on all.   So, I do like to collaborate on creativity and design but go it alone when it’s time to get the work done.  As Virtually Savvy grows I have hired help to get special projects done, but I oversee it all making sure it’s their best work and up to my standards.

What’s your favorite book?
My favorite book of all time Memoirs of a Geisha.  One of the best written books and I’ve reread it many times.

and your favorite movie?
The Wizard of Oz.   One my favorite memories is rushing to my Dad’s lap when the witch or the flying monkeys came on screen to hear him whisper to me …”It’s ok. It’s not real. It’s a movie”.

and finally your favorite song...something that really inspires you?
Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox's ..."Sisters are doin' it for themselves".

Thanks Katie for the interview...loved learning more about you and your business.

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