Money drives your business. Can you afford to hire employees? What's your budget for marketing? What's your total sales for the day....the week....the month?
If you're just starting out or perhaps your business is gone stagnant while you weren't looking you might be thinking YIKES, now what do I do?
Well, don't panic. Take a moment to breathe, jot down some notes of what you're really good at and what lights you up. If you can't up come up with anything call a friend or two or even three and ask them what your good points are. It's important to ask people who will tell you the truth rather than those that will just shine you on.
Ok, next is the money part. When sales are down, creditors are calling, and the rents due it's hard to stay positive and easy to blame the economy, the neighborhood, your bad customers. Really, that why your broke?
The world is full of millionaires and even billionaires. While some businesses are floundering others are thriving....ever wonder why? It's all about Attitude...scarcity versus abundance.....fear versus confidence....uninformed versus curious.
As a business owner we must have an attitude of Abundance, Confidence, and Curiosity. And when doubts creep in, as they do for all of us, keep moving towards your goal...just do it.
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